April 22, 2024 (Victoria, BC) – The Macdonald Realty Victoria Classic 2024, Victoria’s largest pickleball tournament is returning this June. Pickleball players of all skill levels from across the island and province will take to the courts at Pearkes Arena, June 7-9, 2024 to compete in a number of divisions.
Registration for this year’s Classic opens Saturday, May 4 at 12:00 p.m PT. Registration and scheduling for this year’s event can be located on Pickleball Brackets (https://pickleballbrackets.com). Players are advised to register ahead of time on Pickleball Brackets to avoid any potential issues on registration day.
“It’s the smiles, the laughter and the competition,” said Krista Josselyn, tournament director for the Classic. “There’s just so much fun being had by hundreds of people, there’s nothing not to love about the whole weekend.”

The Victoria Classic is currently recruiting event volunteers for the following categories:
- Registration table
- Arranging and serving food/refreshments
- Physical setup and takedown
- Assisting T.D. with the tournament management system
- Refereeing
- Ball Shagging
- Photography
“I’m hoping that we see some great competition,” added Josselyn. “I hope that we see lots of fun, laughter, you know what? Even hugs at the end of the day.”
Donors are also being requested for door prizes. Interested? Contact vicrpba@gmail.com.
To grow the game of Pickleball in the Greater Victoria Region for all ages, levels and abilities by creating and cultivating an inclusive respectful environment that promotes safety, health, social interaction, good sportsmanship and fun by providing the following:
- Fun competitive and recreational opportunities for players of all abilities;
- Continuing skill and mentoring programs to enhance organized recreational and competitive play;
- A positive working relationship with all municipalities in the Greater Victoria Region promoting the building of public indoor and outdoor dedicated pickleball courts.
For editorial, collaborations and general inquiries, email info@hauspickleball.com.